Jo's Blog

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Children at my Door

What a nice surprise this morning when I got a knock on my door and the children from Trinity St Paul School had come to sing Christmas carols. I guess that is part of small town living because that never happened when we lived in Maryland. It was such a small thing but it made my day. Thank you children of Trinity St Paul.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's Snowing

Finally getting some snow. How much? Who knows? Calling for 6 inches but weather always seems to either go North or South of us. Right now it is coming down rather heavily and it really looks pretty. My Christmas tree lights are on, fireplace going, shades up in the living room, and I'm sitting on the couch watching the snow come down. Very relaxing. I don't even feel like going back upstairs tonight to finish up my scrapbooking. Might curl up with a book later on. Right now, I'm just enjoying the scenery outside.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Up bright and early to listen to the school reports. Dave was hoping that school would be postponed this morning since he wasn't feeling all that well. Now in MD, school would have been cancelled or at least postponed for 2 hours. I guess he'll be off to work and leave me to sit in front of the fire with a good book while he trudges through the morning school bus run.

I must admit that I hoping to see more of that white stuff fall. Not the foot or two we get back in MD but a good covering. Maybe next time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Commissioned Paintings


This is one of the paintings I did for a church member. It really turned out well and they were pleased with the results. I tell you one thing, trying to draw the angles on the house was a real challenge. Math has never been my forte. I found the porch to be the hardest along with the steps. The more I do, the easier it will be.
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Been A While

I think now I'm finished with my Christmas shopping and painting. Feels good to relax and sit by the fire reading a good book.

I feel out of the loop because there's been no bible study on Wednesday night and on Sunday I had a craft show so I didn't make church or the catechism class. I don't understand why they have to have craft shows start before noon on Sunday since most people don't show up until after church?

I started reading the small catechism and The Lutheran Confessions. I find them very interesting and maybe dry in a few places. I just want to have a better understanding of the Lutheran approach to Christianty. If someone asks me a question about Martin Luther or what the Lutherans believe, I want to be able to answer intelligently and not flounder around hoping to come up with an answer.

A Pastor in Maryland couldn't believe that we joined the Lutheran Church. Went so far as to ask if we believed what they believe about the Lord's Supper. When I said Yes, questions and comments flew around like a swam of bees. I think that is the reason why I decided to start reading those two books right away. I'm supposed to write him and explain my thoughts on it. We as humans still have trouble with that word, "faith."

Well, enough for now. I had been too long idle so wanted to get up and running again.

Take time to be still.