Jo's Blog

Thursday, December 10, 2009

with Two Slices of Bread You Have A Sandwich

How do we understand the words of Jesus when He refers to Himself as the Bread of Life? (John 6:35) Luther said in his devotional readings, Through Faith Alone “that we should clip the wings of human reason when it comes to Christian doctrine.” It is beyond human reasoning. It’s like trying to explain about the communion bread and wine. How does it become Christ? We have to accept Christ’s words by faith. He said it, so it is. Now some do have problem with accepting by faith all that was written by the prophets and the disciples. Since we can’t reason it out, the thing we have to work on is our Faith.
Christ was very clear when He said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” Ok, when He speaks of bread, maybe it’s not too clear to everyone. He is telling us that He is our sustenance. Our life is in Him. We will never go hungry or thirst because He is the supplier of all our needs. The key right here is ‘he who comes.’ One way we receive the bread of life is by knowing the Word of God. Read the scriptures. Make them part of your meal. Fasting a meal and just feeding on the Word is a wonderful way to just sit at His feet and get to know Him better. Some have said to me that the Word is boring. Maybe it’s because you are just reading words. You are not allowing the Word to penetrate deep down into your very soul. It’s not just reading, but meditation, prayer, communication, and quietness. I think we are too much in a hurry to stop and listen. It’s like Pastor giving us scriptures to read for an assignment and we hurry to get through it because something might be coming on TV that we want to watch, or friends are coming over. We don’t make the time in our busy lives. No one can make the time for you. This is completely up to you. Faith doesn’t grow over- night. Belief doesn’t grow overnight. Trust doesn’t grow overnight.
I didn’t get into reading and studying overnight. It took time, patience (which I lack), stick-to-it, and most important a desire to know Him better. Now today, I can’t imagine going one day without study or reading the scriptures. Even as I say this, time does get away from me and I look back over the day and realize I haven’t spent time with the Lord. Do I feel guilty? No! I’m saddened that I didn’t make the time, so I just get back on track again the next day.
Another way we receive the bread of Life is during the Eucharist. Jesus said to His disciples the night He was betrayed, “Take, eat, this is My body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me.” Also in the same way, after He had given thanks, He gave the cup to His disciples, saying, “Drink of it, all you, this cup is the New Testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”
As I mentioned earlier, we really can’t explain what happens, or how it happens, but Christ said this is my body and blood. We accept by faith that it is so. It is not a symbol of our belief, but the living sacrifice, Christ Jesus Himself. When we come to the altar, we are coming to partake of Christ Himself. He is there waiting for us every Sunday at the altar. God wants to give miracles of healing. Let Him touch you when you kneel at the altar. He wants to speak with you. Open your ears that you may hear. He wants to show you something. Open your eyes. He wants to give you something. Open your hands. Remember, it is a spiritual meeting. You are, now hear this, eating and drinking the Lord Jesus Christ. He lives within you. He gives us sustenance. Don’t try to put it all together. It just doesn’t make sense. Accept it for what it’s worth, a gift and a blessing from God.
So take the bread and eat of it everyday, and come to the table of forgiveness every Sunday or whenever your church offers the Eucharist, and fill up. This bread will fill you up where you’ll never be hungry again. Don’t reason. Don’t doubt. Just work on your Faith, because that is what it is all about. FAITH.


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