I'm Stuck on a Barbed Wire Fence
I love to study the scriptures and write down my thoughts as they come. I love a good debate. Yet....I feel stuck in a hole and don't know how to climb out. The scriptures are exciting and I'm always receiving new insights into God's Word. What was hidden from me is revealed as I continue to study and meditate on His Word. So, why do I feel stuck? Where are the Christians that I can share my thoughts with? Where are the opportunities to teach what God gives me? Some say, "God only speaks through His Word." If that is true, what or who is speaking to me in my spirit? No, I could never deny that God speaks to me in the quietness of my spirit. Yes, He speaks to me through His Word also, more often than not. I want to climb over that fence again and not keep climbing back over again and again. There are so many things to discover in His Word. The good and the bad. Many Christains don't want to hear about God's wrath. We just want to hear about His love for us. We want to stay in our nice little cocoon and not make waves. Sometimes in church I just want to shout----"Wake up people, your God is in this place, do you not know it? I want to stand up, kneel (if my bum leg would let me), raise my hands to heaven and just say, "thanks." How can people sit and do nothing when God is present? I know that there is more God wants to reveal through His Word to us. Everyday should be an adventure into the Word of God. How can we really know God if we don't study His Word? I'm ready to get off the fence, but not sure how to do it. Everything is so new. New people, new church, new surroundings. By God's grace I will.
At October 10, 2007 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous said...
you my darling are HORRIBLE at updating your blog. not that I'm one to talk...but still.
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