Jo's Blog

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Traveling Route 66

I will be away from my computer for the next 3 weeks as my sister and I will be traveling from here to California via Route 66. We'll be making stops along the way, taking pictures and stopping at the unusual places like Roswell, NM. Who knows, maybe we'll see those funny lights in the sky. "Beam us up Scotty!" From there, we are going to travel up the Coastal Highway stopping in San Francisco, and then onto the State of Washington. Sandra wanted to visit with an old school friend there. If we have time we will head up into Canada. Then come home through the Dakota's. Now, some of you might be wondering how we can cover so much ground in those few weeks? Well, we traveled from MD to the North Dakota/Montana line in 2 days back in 2003. My sister doesn't believe in stopping for meals along the way.

At her rate of speed we should make the California line by tomorrow night.

Will catch up when I return. Until then, be safe everyone.


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