Jo's Blog

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally Joined

Well, have joined the YMCA after nudging from daughter Cindi and the doctor. Monday, I made it on the treadmill for 25 minutes. Today, not so long. Difficult time with my leg. It just doesn't want to cooperate with me. Hope to make it 3 times next week but really depends on how my leg is doing.

Promised Alice Sievers I would visit so headed down to Rosewood only to find her at a doctor't appointment. Will try again next week.

Reading Psalm 107.
We all go through troubled times and feel like there is no escape. Verse 29 says that he will deliver us through the storm. He doesn't say, he'll take us out of the storm only that he will quiet the storm. I know with me it is sometimes very hard to let go of my pain and hurts and to let God carry me through. I feel the storm rising, not abating. I hear the thunder crashing down all around me. I look for peace but all is in turmoil. It is at those times I have to turn to God's Word. There I can find peace even among the storms of life. Is it easy? No! My mind wants to wander and my body doesn't always want to cooperate.


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