Jo's Blog

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Don't take communion for granted. You out there, do you really know how important it is to come to the table of the Lord? I tell you, you don't have any idea what you're missing when you're unable to partake. I speak from experience. I sit in church on Sunday morning crying on the inside because I'm unble to come to the table with other believers, not because of something I've done, but because of it being a closed communion. I am not critizing the church. I do believe that the Pastors need to know who is taking the Sacrament. I want Christians to take a long, hard look at what is happening when they meet the Lord at the table. It is not something you do because others are doing it. It is not something you do because it's expected, you do it because it was instituted by Christ Himself. Read ICor. 11:23-26.

I recently went to another church out of the area and communion was offered. Now I was in a dilemma. Communion to them was lets give it out, take it, and move on. Nothing special. No thanks. No reading from the Word. No time for self examination. I sat there with the elements in my hand, thinking, "what in the world am I going to do with this?" It felt wrong. I have waited and waited to take of the Lord, and now I couldn't do it. I learned something important that day. Communion is Holy and should be treated as Holy. It is not something you do in passing.

"Oh Lord God, I come before you with a contrite heart. I am not worthy to even speak your name because of my sinful nature. I lift my hands to you and surrender my life to you. I pray Lord, that I become like a little child. I sing praises to you, for what you have done for me. I thank you that you have thrown my sins as far as the East is from the West. I thank you Lord, that my sins have been forgiven."

Next time you take the Sacrament, remember why you are taking it and for what purpose. Do not take it for granted.


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